Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day One: Sifting Through the Wreckage.

We are at the doorway to my scraproom. That is where we stop. Why? Because there is so much stuff that we cannot proceed further. So today, we begin sifting through the wreckage. Yes, this is an actual, real life photo of my scrapbook room, it has not been photo-shopped in any way. This is how I live. As long as there is room for me to hop from one space to the other, then I can still function in here. However, I fear the day that I may actually break my ankle in here and when the medics come they will need to pull the roof off the house and airlift me out of here.

Purge and Sort:

Begin by sorting things into categories: Magazines and Idea Books, Photos, Stamps and Inks, Patterned Paper, Cardstock, Scraps, Embellishments, Trims, Tools, etc. These categories will be pared down again into smaller groups once the initial sort is complete. You may actually be surprised to know that I had already organized a lot of this stuff during prior purge and sort sessions.

If, while sorting, you come across something and ask yourself, “Why the heck did I buy this hideous thing?”. This is where “purge” comes into play. Now, I’m not suggesting that you throw anything out, but rather send it along it’s merry way to somewhere else, such as a school, senior center, scout troop or a beginner scrapper. Now, if it’s really really hideous, or in very poor condition, then it’s time to say your peace, forgive yourself, and send it to it’s final resting place. Nothing feels better than a good purging – as my husband would say……but I digress…

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